VSG Update: 90 Days Pre-Op

T-Minus 90 Days and Counting
It's officially three months until my weight loss surgery. That is a length of time which is long enough to have me half-convinced it will never get here, but also half-convinced that it's going to be here way too fast.

Either way, it's exciting! I decided to kick off my regular update series with a Q&A on my surgery. Nevermind that the Q&A is with myself; I am my own best friend and conversationalist, after all. So enjoy the pseudo-MPD ramblings as I interview myself about my upcoming surgery...

What kind of surgery are you having?

A vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) (which is also called a sleeve gastrectomy, which is also called a vertical gastric sleeve, which is also called a vertical sleeve, which is also called gastric sleeve) is a surgery in which approximately 75-85% of the greater curvature of the stomach is bisected, or amputated, from the rest and removed from the abdominal cavity. The remaining stomach - which holds about 3-6 ounces of food (once healed) - is about the size and shape of a banana.

The surgery is performed (generally) laparoscopically, which is a series of small incisions on the abdomen that the surgical tools pass through. Laparoscopic surgeries have a very much reduced healing time and lower complication rates than open abdominal surgeries.

In layman's terms, they poke me full of holes, chop a hunk
 of my tummy off, and leave me with a ba-ba-ba-baba-nana.

Why did you choose a sleeve?
I didn't. I am getting surgery through the Veteran's Administration (VA) Hospital in Huntington, West Virginia, and it's the only type of weight loss surgery they perform. After doing a metric ton of research, I can see why. The sleeve outcomes are better than a gastric bypass outcomes (complications, death rates) and lap band outcomes (revision surgery rates), and the sleeve weight loss outcomes are nearly as good as a gastric bypass and better than the lap band.

The real question is, if I had the choice, would I choose the sleeve? Yes. Give me my 'nanner!

What are you doing to prepare for surgery?
My surgeon doesn't have me on a pre-op diet of any sort (aside from clear liquids the day before surgery and nothing by mouth after midnight before the surgery). Since he isn't having me prepare, I decided to give my weight loss a boost by starting a new 12-Week Shape-Up cycle. I'm also doing a ton of (additional) reading on the subject, and I'm going to make sure to get my taxes files early.

Why taxes? Money, duh. It will be nice to be able to get the supplies I need or have money set aside to pay ahead on April bills so I don't have to worry about it immediately prior to or after surgery.

Unlike Katy Perry, using the rent monayyy for bottle service
doesn't get me a lot of rehhhhhSPECT in my world.

How long will you be in the hospital? In recovery?
Since the VA does surgeries for the entire region, they have longer hospital stay requirements for patients living more than 100 miles from the center. While this is inconvenient for me, as a single mom, I appreciate them erring on the side of caution.

The day prior to surgery, I have to spend the entire day at the hospital in appointments and meetings. These include a pre-surgery anesthesia interview and workup, post-surgery care clinic, surgery overview and consent form review/sign, and nutrition clinic educational session. At that point, I can get a room in the hospital since I'm a long-distance patient and I have surgery the next morning at 6AM. After surgery, I spend the next 24 hours in the ICU, then I'm moved to a private room where I spend the next three days (minimum).

Once home, I'll spend the next few days alternating between resting and walking to aid with healing. About a week-and-a-half after surgery, depending on how my incision healing is progressing and my use of pain meds, I can return to my work if working from home. If my work doesn't permit me to work from home for an extended length of time, I could be off work for an additional one to five weeks.

Basically, I listen to my body and I listen to my doctor, and we play it by ear post-surgery. But I have a great manager at my day job, and my night (online) job is very flexible, so I don't anticipate any issues on the work front.

Playing it by sexy, sexy snake in the ear.

I've had laparoscopic surgery before. You heal fast, that's why they're done. Why would you be off so long?
Though the sleeve is performed laparoscopically,  it's done with six incisions, two of them rather large. One of the larger ones has to accommodate the liver retractor tool, and the other larger one (the largest) is where the stomach is removed from. Both of those can take a bit more time to heal than typical laparoscopy incisions.

What will your diet be like?
You know how breastfed babies start off drinking a teeny, tiny bit of highly nutritious colostrum? No? Well, the more you know! Then they move on to milk. Then to baby food. Then to soft foods they can gum to death. Then to SPICY CHICKEN WINGS AND CHILI CHEESE FRIES! Ahem, wait... sorry. Head hunger took over.

Anyhow, there is a progression to a baby's diet not only because they have no teeth and don't know how to chew very well, but because their tiny tummies can't quite handle your Ten-Alarm-Fire Hot Wings just yet. They have to learn how to eat.

And there's your answer: My diet will be like a baby's.

The first month is half clear liquid diet and half full liquid diet. The second month is baby food consistency, then soft foods. The third month through lifetime is introducing small amounts of normal foods and eating proper portion sizes.

Wait. So liquids, to soft stuff, to regular stuff. So why can't that be done without surgery?
It can. Go for it! And if you have the mental fortitude to fight through the hunger pangs and head hunger to make it, then good on you!

What surgery does is create a tool to use to help us achieve a new healthy dietary lifestyle. With most of the stomach gone, VSGers get full faster and need less food to feel that way. Also, the portion of the stomach that produces ghrelin (the hunger hormone that stimulates hunger and increases food intake) is all or mostly removed, making you feel less or more likely NO hunger. Plus if you try to eat too much, you can have some unpleasant side effects, which basically boils down to aversion therapy at its best.

Surgery may seem an extreme option, but it's proven to be the only option where the highest percentage of people are able to maintain significant weight loss 3-5 years (or more) after the initial loss. When you spend a lifetime forming horrid eating habits, sometimes it takes going back to the start and relearning how to do it for it to stick.

And loose skin?
Let me turn the table and ask you a question: Would you rather be able to fit on roller coasters, ride horses, kayak, bike, hike, and LIVE, or have no loose skin but be unable to do those things?

They make Spanx for a reason, my friend.

Where can I learn more about VSG?
And of course a Google search will give you all the info you could ever want.

Finally, for those with strong stomachs, this video is a pretty stark look at a real sleeve procedure. While it's graphic, it definitely was a valuable learning experience:

My next VSG update will be 60 days pre-op, but don't wait until then to visit, because cycle 2 of the 12-Week Shape-Up starts next Tuesday!


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