12-Week Shape-Up: Pre-WLS Edition Week 3

It's the end of Week 2 and the start of Week 3
And I'm not sure, about this poetry.

Previous Weight: 294.4 lbs.
Current Weight: 294.8 lbs.
Weight Change: +.4 lbs.
Upcoming Weekly Goal(s): I need to rebuild the foundation. This week's goal is to write everything down and make sure I'm getting 8 glasses of water a day.
Notes: D'oh! I'm up. That's not good. And I'm posting late.

It's been a crazy week. First, I got offered a freelance editing position that pays very nicely. Then, after nearly six months of radio silence, I get a call from a place I applied to about a job that (once I heard the description, which was a bit different than the original ad) is PERFECT for me. And they want me!

So I ate my excitement. Ugh.

I need to get back on track, so I'm adjusting my goals in order to detoxify from all the fast food junk I've been devouring. My weigh-in goal for next Tuesday is to just not have gained. Hopefully at that point, I can get fully back on track.

I'm also fighting the "I'm having weight loss surgery soon" syndrome, which is where I want to eat everything in sight because I somehow think I'll never eat again after surgery. The rational part of me say, "Goofball, you'll be able to eat, just a lot less and a lot healthier." The irrational part of me says, "GIVE ME ALL THE MCDONALD'S FRENCH FRIES AND NO ONE GETS HURT!"

We all struggle. Whether it's with our weight, our fitness goals, our relationships. The key to becoming a better version of yourself is just to never give up, even when the sugar-laden sweet tea is whispering your name.

How did you do last week?


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