12-Week Shape-Up: Pre-WLS Edition Week 2

It's the end of Week 1 and the start of Week 2
And now I'm here to see how you did do.
Did you jump and did you run?
Did you swim and have fun?
Or did you just sit on your boo?

Previous Weight: 297.4 lbs.
Current Weight: 294.4 lbs.
Weight Change: -3 lbs.
Upcoming Weekly Goal(s): To write everything down; to eat in more than I eat out. Part 2.
Notes: I want to be happy for being three pounds down in a week, but it's the end of Week 1, when losing water weight should have me at more than 3 pounds down. It's my own fault, though. I didn't log everything and I didn't eat in more than I ate out. That said, my level of writing and eating in was certainly up over pre-12WSU levels.

So for Week 2, I'm going to try this again. I'm going to focus on eating in more than out, writing everything down, and getting all of my water/fluids in. I think the writing and the water are key, because whenever I do both of them, everything else follows.

For all I'm bummed at my slow progress this week, I'm still happy that it was progress. I can't complain about that at all. And my food choices have been slowly improving as well. So yay for that!

How was your week?


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