Playing Catch Up

I finished my first 12-Week Shape Up! pretty strong. However, I completely forgot to blog about it, so here it is:

12-Week Shape Up! Week 12 Weigh-In:
  • Weight: 288.2
    • Previous Weight: 287
    • Weekly Loss: +1.2
    • Starting Weight: 320
    • Total Loss: 31.8
  • Weekly Challenge Success and Challenges
    • Successes: I rode my bike to run an errand, I practiced a lot of yoga, and I stayed on track... the first few days. Then that evil portion of the month arrived and I ate everything that wasn't nailed down and sat around in my stretchy pants for three days, binge-watching past seasons of America's Next Top Model.
    • Challenges: Lots of water weight gain during my final week due to that monthly affliction. Probably some actual fat gain as well due to my horrid eating habits. And my motivation to get moving again was pretty much gone. Trying to get out of this funk has proven to be very difficult.
The quick-minded of you might have noticed that the 12-week weigh-in was supposed to happen on September 1, and a lot of time has passed since September 1. I did weigh myself again and I had a great loss, but I want to move to a bi-weekly weigh-in. If I've learned anything in the past three months, it's that I have a lot of water fluctuation (Find out how to tell what's water weight and what's fat gain) and that it takes me about two weeks to see my true results. 

So that means my next weigh-in will be tomorrow. Fingers crossed it's a good weigh-in. I'm hoping for 3-6 pounds, but we'll see. As I mentioned above, I've been off of my game, and that may have very well impacted my results.

I'm also going to try to get back to posting more often. Probably not daily, but at least 2-3 times a week. You CAN catch up with me daily on my Twitter and Facebook though. 

Finally, I'm going to be restarting the 12-Week Shape-Up! on Monday, October 13th, and it will end on January 4th. This is to help us get through those health obstacles that are Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve/Day. I'll be tweaking it to be more of a guided program, though it will still rely on you to personalize it and make it a success. However, if you would like some help with more specific food and exercise guidance, I can work with you to create a plan for you for a small fee. Reach out to me using my Contact Me form for more information and pricing. 


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