Planning for a Fun Run

I was watching videos last night about the Color Run, and when I looked to see when it would be in Cincinnati, I was disappointed that it's NEXT SATURDAY. I don't have the $100 to register myself and my son, so we'll have to skip it this year. It got me thinking, though, about other fun runs coming up in Cincinnati this year, and one that immediately came to mind was the Run Like Hell 5k for Cystic Fibrosis.

One of my son's best friends has CF, so this is a cause that I definitely appreciate, plus the run starts at 7:30 PM, not AM, and is a week before Halloween - meaning costumes are highly encouraged!

The price is $35 a ticket until 20 October, and they encourage (but don't require) each runner to fundraise $50.

From the website:
It’s not your normal 5K. Sure, lots of people race full speed. But for the majority of "runners/walkers,” it’s more like a street party that moves in a common direction at varying rates of speed. When you Run Like Hell, you do it in costume, through a cemetery and you end up at an after-party complete with food, beer and a live band.
To learn more, go to the official website or the CF Foundation site.

Are you in or near the Cincinnati area? Then come run with me! If you aren't in the area and want to donate, I'll be sharing a link to a fundraising page (supplied to me by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) in the next few weeks.


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