Protein Shakes and You (and Me)

Not the high calorie, bulk-up kind, but the meal replacement or meal companion kind. Protein is vital to help build or maintain muscle, so if you aren't getting enough, you could be losing muscle. (How much do you need? Kashi's got you covered!)

I picked up two packets of Jay Robb Whey Protein to try last night and chose them based on flavor (vanilla and chocolate) and the claim on the pack ("The best-tasting protein on the planet"). I know the claim is outrageous, but I figured any company brave enough to put that hyperbole on the package deserved a chance.

They are made with Stevia and are non-GMO products. One packet has 25g of protein, 110 calories, and can be mixed with water.

Have you used any protein shakes? If so, what was your favorite?


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